In disguize

In disguize

Sunday, May 1, 2011

St Marks Refuge or Never Leave Home without a Bird ID Book!

This winter  we took a break and went down to Panacea Florida for a lecture at The Gulf Specimen Marine Lab. While there we spent the day driving the whole big bend area and went over to St. Marks Wildlife Refuge.  Here are some of the things we saw. Oh Yea never leave home with out a birding book.  We saw lots and lots of birds and the only books we had for identification were  on Sea Shells.  WTH????  We are watching birds.  Next time I back the books!
Light House at the End of the Refuge road wrapped in Fog.

Loggerhead sea turtle

Great Blue Heron or  a another kind of heron (Lol) 

White Ibis

Egret in breeding Plumage note the green around the eye's


Big ass Alligator


Medium size ass alligator

Little ass alligator

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