In disguize

In disguize

Monday, May 30, 2011

Is it a jellyfish or not?

This a blue button. It is often called a jellyfish, however, it is actually a marine organism consisting of two main parts, the center float and a colony of turquoise blue hydroids (similar to a jellyfish tentacles).  The blue button sting is not powerful, but may cause irritation for humans.

So, my advice, look & take pix, but stay away!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I MADE IT!!!!!

Check out all the cool extras my campsite has...

Bob gets his new noodle, but now he's I getting a new bike too?  

I'M AT THE BEACH!!!!!!   

Heading down the road...

My favorite campground...Wal-mart!

Packing and saying good bye

Okay, if you were going to the beach, wouldn't you take all your pickle buckets??     

We are just chilling before I say good bye...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Who's retired??? ME!

This group was ready to party tonight to celebrate my retirement!   

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I can get the words to post, but not the pix!

Okay...this will be a non-illustrated post. I'm having technical difficulties and just can't seem to get pictures included. So much for my computer skills!!! Friday was my last day of "teaching". The kids enjoyed snowcones, a disco dance, a birthday party, and some outdoor play...all and all a fun day! Pictures will be coming soon.  My room is just about packed up. There will be a new excited teacher coming to take my place.  I can't believe my teaching career is over and I'm going to the beach!!!  Several people seem to think I will be a bored retiree...NOT!  I have 2 best friends who I know will keep me busy and smiling. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ghost writer over and out

Well, yesterday surprising Doe at her school went  really well.  Bob pulled off the visit with Bob precision and despite being pulled over for speeding we made it on time.  The little darlings were wonderful and we got to meet many of Doe's friends and co workers.  I know that they are all going to miss her greatly!  We have officially turned over Flat Doe,  the scrapbook and blog to her and I see that she already made her first entry.   So now what?????  Well stay tuned I am thinking I feel a blog of my own formulating.  And you never know Flat Doe make turn up in the most unlikely place and time.

Ms. Doe's Class  My those chairs are really tiny!

Bye, Bye School

Need I say more


Bob plants aren't they beautiful

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nature" is what we see

Nature" is what we see --
The Hill -- the Afternoon --
Squirrel -- Eclipse -- the Bumble bee --
Nay -- Nature is Heaven --
Nature is what we hear --
The Bobolink -- the Sea --
Thunder -- the Cricket --
Nay -- Nature is Harmony --
Nature is what we know --
Yet have no art to say --
So impotent Our Wisdom is
To her Simplicity.

by Emily Dickinson

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ok ghostwriter now what

  Mmm, I am thinking Flat Doe, please quit poking me with your stick I am not dead just suffering from hobbleitize of the knee,
I think we have documented most of your adventures but I think I have come up with a few more pictures until the 19th,

Ghost writer

BBQ with Clarke

We miss you Rebekah!

Organizational skills at the best

Who ate all the candy?

Do I look like an Angler fish

Who and what is this?

Lordy, they will put me anywhere

CPR Training

afternoon coffee break

Mr. Tom

Taking out invasive Chinese tallow trees Yipee

By the seat of my pants

  The latest fad in field Day school wear.

Whoop, Whoop

I recently got to spend the day with Deputy Ward and it did not involve me being handcuffed on the side of the road since I am an exemplary driver :).  He gave me a tour of the Sheriff's car that he drives.  It is very, Very Neat!  It is filled with hi-tech equipment and lots of buttons and whistles.   These include Video camera, local/emergency radios, place for a lap top, lights, sirens and much more.  So a BIG Thank you to Ward for the tour.  


Sometimes the simplest things can convey thought provoking message's.  Who would have thought it!


There are more thought provoking mats but they will be added later. Ha

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ok only a few more posts left before the 19th

And what happens on the 19th you ask? Well It is a surprise but I think it involves  me and someone from the state?   Wonder what it could be?


I was invited to Sasha's graduation last week at NorthWest Florida college where she received her AA degree in Business.  Her family were there and so proud of her!   She has worked very hard and  be very proud of her accomplishments. Carolyn, Clarke, Mel, Bonnie, Lynda and me were in attendance also.

Lots of people

Looking for Sasha

There she is

After ceremony

Carolyn, me, Sasha, Mel, and Mason

More after the ceremony

arriving at college

 Please don't touch the knobs yes there are 2 of me

F-R Bonnie, Carolyn , me, Clarke and Mel

Sasha smiling at us

before the ceremony

graduates filed in and ready to go